And he (Elijah) said to him (Elisha), "Go back again, for what have I done to you?" And he (Elisha) returned from following him and took the yoke of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the yokes of the oxen and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and went after Elijah and assisted him. (2 Kings 19:21
Wait. He did what? He killed his source of income and burnt the yokes too. Shouldn't he have sold them, left him for his parents or neighbors, shared them with his friends, DONE SOMETHING good with what he had been given. Friends, he did the BEST thing- he sacrificed it all to God, celebrated with his family and followed God's calling for him.
In our practical minds this is crazy (shouldn't she have sold that perfume instead of putting it on Jesus' feet). We think that we can bring all that we have "learned" or "earned" from our practical lives into our spiritual life. We can't! Friends, he didn't get rid of his sins - he burned his livelihood! ALL OF YOUR OWN EFFORTS ARE LIKE FILTHY RAGS (even the ones that won you awards, got you promoted, were helpful to others, made you feel valuable). Elisha wasn't burning up his "problem areas" he was sacrificing his livelihood. All of those ways that used to support us - like Elisha's oxen - need to be burned up. Given over. Lost to you in the old way FOREVER. We get handing over our sins - but are we ready to hand over our strengths, achievements, blessings?
You know what you should do - throw a party. You are giving up on your own way of doing it and throwing party over the ashes and carcass of your old self. Jesus does it EVERY time. There is lots of partying in the New Testament and most of the time it is when people turn, repent and are made whole in him. When they give it up. When the lost are found. When they realize all they have is Christ.
See, if you aren't ready to kill your oxen and burn your yoke - you aren't really ready to walk in the full newness of life yoked to Jesus. You have Christ plus something else. That never works in the long run - you can't serve two masters. I am not saying this is the "easy" way and it is HARD to give it all up. Can't we just walk a middle road, keep the "good stuff" - nope! That's called being double minded (double souled) or maybe lukewarm. Do you remember how he vomits you out in that situation? What you see as okay enough, somewhat helpful, not so bad is NOT GOD'S BEST. God's best is burning ALL of the old way (whether the world thought it was good or not) and following the man of God. For Elisha it was Elijah - for you it is Jesus Christ.
That's what he said to Peter (who left his nets with an incredible catch of fish) - I will make you fisher's of men. I will use what you know - but you have to leave ALL the old way and learn how to walk with me - then, then it can all be restored unto you in ways you can't even fathom. Those oxen and yokes were your best efforts. However, as you walk with your creator and the lover of your soul you realize what is TRUE about you. He created you- he knows you best - let him tell you what you as a new creation truly are to him and the world. Then you will know your true identity - the one in Christ that can't be lost. What this process looks like will vary - but the result will be losing your life for his sake and finding it in him for all eternity. An amazing exchange.
As we enter into this season of Lent, may I encourage you to lay it all on the altar and walk clean and free into Resurrection Sunday - knowing that whatever you had before is NOTHING compared to what you have in the risen life of Christ.
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