I am still in Deuteronomy (maybe by the time I finish the book, I'll be able to spell it). In Chapter 11 he tells the people to circumcise their hearts and follow him. That chapter is really about preparing your heart and life for what he has for you. Many of us have heard that message before. What caught my eye is in the next chapter. The moment is REALLY here - they are about to go in and God is giving them instructions about entering in.
Many of us have dreams and promises that we know are God's heart for his people. We believe that the call of the body of Christ is to be part of making all things new in the world around us. We realize that we have been given certain gifts, life experiences, and personality traits that God can use to his glory. We know that the Gospel changes lives. What happens when you start walking into the promise. This is what God says:
1. You shall tear down their altars and dash in pieces their pillars and burn their Asherim with fire. (Deut. 12:3) Faith in God alone (as Christians in Jesus' atoning work). As we enter into the promises he has given us, there are probably ways that aren't honoring to him in the land. The Israelites faced real "false gods" we should anticipate nothing less. However, it will look like wrong expectations, cheating, lying, just the way things are, the old boy network - whatever - all don't reflect God's vision of renewal and life. You have to tear down those ways that don't speak to God's love and goodness for the people who are living in the "promised land" already (God doesn't command us to annihilate the people - his champion - Jesus - came to seek and save that which is lost - that's why we are entering the promised land.) As we enter into difficult fields we can't let ANYTHING stand in our heart that does not point to Jesus and his saving work. This is speaking truth to lies, justice to injustice, love to selfishness, grace to law and much more. Idols and the old ways won't work in the renewing of the land. We aren't fighting with people - we are renewing life in the midst of darkness and death. You might end up doing unconventional things (witness Esther in the harem, Daniel as the chief astrologer and Jesus hanging out with prostitutes and tax collectors) but you should ALWAYS be yoked only to Jesus and following his lead. Other things can help people out (education, wealth, health) but only Jesus can save.
2. But you shall seek the place that the Lord your God will choose out of all your tribes and put his name and make his habitation there. (Deut. 12:5) Obedience. God has a plan for the renewal and promise to come to pass. Are you seeking where God is or where demographic studies say you should be? Are you seeking what God is choosing or what is trendy? Are you inviting God to make his habitation in the midst of the promise and those he has called you to serve and love? Are you willing to go where he sends you and how he sends you - or are you seeking your own way? Is this issue even going to be settled in your tribe and are you the one called to do it? Just because it seems to "fit" doesn't mean it is yours to do. Ask? Is God dwelling with you in this issue - is he renewing your mind with his thoughts towards his people and the situation? Make sure you are going where God is and not hoping he will come bless your efforts at some side show!
3. You shall not do according to all that we are doing here today, everyone doing whatever is right in his own eyes, for you have not as yet come into the rest and to the inheritance that the Lord your God is giving you. (Deut. 12:8-9) Sacrifice with incredible reward. Before, as the Israelites wandered in the desert, they did as they pleased. However, that must stop for them to gain the promise. They will need to do what God has called them to do to receive his promises (thus the whole book of Deuteronomy reminding them of all of it). However, do you see what God's rewards are - REST and and INHERITANCE!
As you walk into your promise you will REST. That doesn't even make sense until you start doing it. You see, God had a crazy battle plan- JERICHO - remember they just walked around and the walls came tumbling down. They weren't prepared to fight after wandering in the desert - God told them their enemies were big from the start - so God gave them an easy plan. Watch what God will do. This is not to say you are taking naps and sipping at the pool side. But, if you are doing what God has called you into - he will open doors, create contacts, find funding and help you walk into his promise. If you are following his battle plan you can rest that he has figured it all out and you don't have to - you can just follow and obey in this moment. There will be battles and it will be tough but if you are in his will he is fighting with you. If you are stressed and striving - you need to return to that habitation question. His ultimate goal is that his peace, his right rule and reign, would be restored in that area of promise.
The second is inheritance. In the Old Testament the physical land is the inheritance. In the New Testament we receive eternal life as a result of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and the gifts He provides. See, Jesus died and rose again and when he did, he promised his people an inheritance. He willed us all we need for life and godliness. Not only did he give us an inspired book; but also, the deposit of the Spirit of God in us. The Spirit is what died in the garden when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit. However, Jesus' sacrifice opened the door and did away with sin - once for all - so that the Holy Spirit could dwell in us again. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins then the Spirit dwells in you. You are now a temple of the most high God! That's why Jesus said it is better that I go away - because the Spirit will come to you. Well, that seems like an incredible inheritance. Our inheritance is secure: our work is to partner with God in helping others find the security and freedom we have in Christ.
Wow! That sounds wonderful. Often, we don't want to give up doing whatever is right in our own eyes though. Plus, have you read some of the CRAZY steps of faith people were asked to take in the Bible? They weren't following a cause or a good idea - they knew the God of the universe and were trusting in His character to complete what they knew they never could do. How much more do we know and understand because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and his Spirit in us? Are we willing to give up our own ways to walk into the promises he has for us? We need to be ready to do only what we see the Father doing.
I realize that these were real instructions given to a people for a specific time and place. However, I think that there are some things we can glean for today as we hope to enter into some of the promises God has given us.
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