Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday with Words: Sowing and Reaping

I have read My Utmost for His Highest off and on for about 20 years.  Right after college I was a faithful reader, then life, but I am back again.  His devotionals challenge me every time (his biography is fascinating as well).  He packs so much into a small page.  I was reviewing the most recent ones and found March 11th about Heavenly Vision.  I am a big picture, vision type person.  I am constantly imagining what could be.  Some of his comments made me stop to think.

Wait! I don't get this.  There is a whole industry based on accomplishing your vision - charts, checklists, statements, values, etc.  Shouldn't I be working towards it? Chambers further explains,
At the beginning we saw it, but did not wait for it; we rushed off into practical work, and when the vision was fulfilled we did not see it.  Waiting for the vision that tarries is the test of our loyalty to God.  It is at the peril of our soul's welfare that we get caught up in the practical work and miss the fulfillment of the vision.  (emphasis my own)
You see - if it is God's work he will complete it.  He is the author and perfecter.  I have believed that it is my role to "do something".  Often, the time hadn't come yet, there was nothing to do but wait and pray (which seems totally impractical).  Oh, if only I had prayed more, been still, enjoyed the place where I was and allowed God to do His work in me and others instead of rushing ahead trying to make things happen on my own.   In the midst of my "practicality" I missed His pieces of the vision.  The little things I didn't have time for were the most important things I could have done.  I was inspired by the wrong things!  This makes me think of Joseph - he knew the vision and could do nothing to bring it about - NOTHING!  In fact, for 20 years it looked like he was heading the wrong direction. All he could do was be faithful to the tasks he was given.  Am I willing to do that?

Oswald recommends

Let God fling you out, and do not go until he does.  

Shouldn't I be the captain of my own destiny, the planner of my own future, the one in charge around here?  We just finished listening to The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.  At one point I would have cheered on the message and now I stop to pause and think and wonder how much we want to do it our way, on our terms, for our glory (or at least comfort).  Is it wrong to encourage and equip a young girl to raise a family?  Do we grow dissatisfaction in our own hearts (and theirs) by teaching them that we (or they) should fulfill all of their dreams on their terms?  Chambers reminds us

Can you wait for His vision?  Are you willing to be flung out and sown wherever he wants you to be? Do you focus on the practical work and forget to walk in the light of inspiration?   Do you miss the vision in the midst of your busy-ness?  Are you more interested in commanding your own empty pod than being sown by him and fruitful in the right season?

See what others are reading at Ladydusk.  

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