A few weeks ago our water softener broke. We have a bunch of salt on our garage floor (probably wearing it away) and hard water in our pipes now. In south Texas we have HARD water. The kind that clogs up lines, can break down machines, leaves remnants on everything so clean glasses look dirty. It is obvious when the salt isn't there. I honestly don't know what the salt does, but something magical apparently.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13
A little bit of salt does a lot of good for our pipes. Without salty people in our lives we can tell something is wrong, but we can't always identify what it is. We need people who speak truth, life, challenge and love to us. We need those who comfort and are present with us in the midst of the junk or our lives. No, you probably can't fix it. That's not the point of the salt. The point of the salt is to help keep further problems from happening. Those that stem from guilt, fear, unforgiveness, disdain, distance. Salt can help make sure that there aren't further breakdowns and a long lasting residue as a result of the trials and difficulties of life. The salt helps clear out the lines, lend an ear, speak a prayer, encourage forgiveness and more instead of letting the residue of sin build up and break down.
Salt will NEVER be able to fix the problem but without it problems get a lot worse.
Stay salty!!
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