This morning our Christian Education class read the Rich Young Ruler story. Most of us are familiar with it - the young ruler justifies himself because he has been following the law. Then Jesus says you are just missing one thing - sell all you have and follow me. The Ruler didn't see that coming. One class member mentioned that he wasn't coming to Jesus with a need - Jesus always met people who came knowing their need and ready to receive. He came with an agenda and Jesus wasn't going to play that game.
What struck me was this line:
But when he (the rich young ruler) heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. Luke 18: 23
Surely, we would all do better - right? If you want to know what your idols are just figure out what would make you cry if you had to give it up. See, the ruler wasn't a bad ruler. Apparently, he was pretty decent - he seemed to keep most of the Commandments at least. But he wasn't ready to put Jesus first and follow him only. He went away sad. Jesus didn't run after him. You see if anything makes you more sad than you being out of relationship with Jesus than that thing might have to go. YIKES! I think many of us have been asked a similar question at some point:
What do you love more __________ or me?
Are you willing to leave _________ behind to go my way?
Maybe you have stalled out in your relationship with Jesus because you chose riches, respectability, intelligence, friendship, family or other things over God. You will see that Jesus commends Peter who has left behind his life for Jesus. The rich young ruler begins by asking "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" As another class member pointed out - you can't do anything to get your inheritance. The question doesn't even make much sense!? At the end of the passage Jesus confirms to Peter that he will "receive many times more in this time and in the age to come eternal life" - now that's an inheritance.
Check yourself! Are you harboring idols? Consider what would make you sad if you were asked to leave it behind. I can't promise what will happen if you give it up. Sometimes God gives it back like he did to Abraham where "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided". Are we ready to give up what is most near and dear to us? Do we trust that what God has for us is better than what we are clinging to? That his ways lead to eternal life.
Peter is getting the inheritance here and in the kingdom to come - a relationship with the living God. It can't get much better than that - no matter what comes your way. Doing it your own way won't bring your inheritance. Your inheritance is already secure by the cross of Jesus and his resurrection life. You have to be willing to believe and follow him where he leads - not your own way. It is a better way, but you might be sad for a while as you mourn what you thought you had.
Hoping you are ready to receive the inheritance that you can't earn.
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